Hockey Night in Colorado Fades

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  • BoKnows
    SEC!Any Questions?
    • Mar 2007
    • 1089

    Hockey Night in Colorado Fades

    CBB YTD 39-30-2

    Heading to my first hockey game of the year..... hear me yawn....typically you can give me the tickets, buy my beer and offer me a parking pass and I still cant watch this paint dry, but since these seats are on the glass and are free with the parking pass. I will make it happen..if the seats were anywhere else in the Can and not the Redwings I would punt!So if you bet hockey definetly take the Avalanche!

    Rider +2...........who in the hell is Rider?l
    Xavier PKw
    St Mary's -14.....way to many points to give up but what am I to do as I cant tail my fade. Then again I have no clue about either team so it may be a solid fade. w
    Gonzaga -7l
    Tex A. M +4.5l

    Last edited by BoKnows; 02-19-2008, 12:00 PM.
  • JohnnyMapleLeaf
    • Feb 2007
    • 8456

    Paint dry?
    I don't get that analogy, as it's most definitely the fastest of the major sports. It's a game loaded with fast tough play, hits and fights. Couldn't be further from paint drying. I can understand people not liking the game for one reason or another, but it certainly isn't slow or boring! (for that see: the NBA)

    I just spent a week down in Arizona, and after 7 days of constant boring basketball highlights and games, and constant clips of cars going around in circles (on a sports channel??)...I couldn't wait to get

    Anyway....GL in hoops...and (try) to enjoy the game! lol. :beerbang:
    Last edited by JohnnyMapleLeaf; 02-18-2008, 01:30 PM.


    • BoKnows
      SEC!Any Questions?
      • Mar 2007
      • 1089

      Thanks JML..LOL...okay maybe paint drying was a bad analogy. For whatever reason since the strike I just cannot seem to get back into watching Hockey...maybe it is not Hockey at all but the Nordiques in general no Roy, Foote, Forsberg, Sakic is hurt, Smyth hurt, Theodore is a sive not sure what happend. Maybe a night on the glass watching my beloved nordiques will help to shake things up a bit!:beerbang:


      • FlyersFan
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2007
        • 12128

        Bo- GL! let me get this straight. You watch NASCAR....which you want to talk about watching paint dry. I mean if their is a more fking boring thing to watch, i haven't found it. Who in the heck watches lap 92 of a 250 lap race?? Talk about nothing going on in a sport....and yet you say hockey is boring?? I think there is large group of people in this country that thinks it's "cool" to bash it's the thing to do. Then they turn around and say they like NASCAR, the NBA....:dunno:..........anyhow, have fun. Glass seats are awesome. Best seat i had was on the glass in the very first seat next to the Blues bench. I was sitting next to Jamal Mayers most of the time. Everytime the coach pointed down the bench i stood up and mouthed "me?".....:laughing:
        I am the M'bah a'Flyers Fan !


        • BoKnows
          SEC!Any Questions?
          • Mar 2007
          • 1089

          LOL...I am not a hockey basher, just have not regained my appetite for it since the strike. I use to love to watch it go to the games and then lost the taste for it. Some of it is attributed to the strike, some to the Avalanche decline, some to having 2 kids in the last 4 years. Tonite should be sweet though as the Ave/Red Wings have a rivalry as you know. As it relates to Nascar, yes there is some monotney(sp) there... left turn after left turn and watching 100% of the race takes some serious downtime. It is the different types of racing that I like, for instance yesterday....watching 5 wide at that speed is quite exciting, or watching short track bump and grind has its moments as well, road courses offer a completely different style ect....In all honesty besides football in the fall, I pretty much dont have the time for anything but the news and sportscenter....though I find I really enjoy the Stihl nationals every year...the log rolling competition is off the hook:laughing:


          • FlyersFan
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2007
            • 12128

            Originally posted by BoKnows
            though I find I really enjoy the Stihl nationals every year...the log rolling competition is off the hook:laughing:
            super modified chainsaw competition............:beerbang:
            I am the M'bah a'Flyers Fan !


            • FlyersFan
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2007
              • 12128

              Bo- FYI...Lavender probably won't play for XU tonight due to a sprained ankle he got in the UNCC game on Saturday. Tough sledding without your best guard playing a team on the road that is undefeated in its own building....and getting no points at all. That just isn't a good spot to play a team, whethere it wins or loses. Just an FYI...not sure if you knew that.......
              I am the M'bah a'Flyers Fan !


              • joepa66
                MOD Squad
                • Mar 2007
                • 24995

                BOL to ya BO.....and where else but the NHL can ya truly get "gashed" as they say in football....:thumbs:
                Batman: "If you can't spend it, money's just a lot of worthless paper, isn't it?" :phew:


                • BoKnows
                  SEC!Any Questions?
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 1089

                  Originally posted by FlyersFan
                  Bo- FYI...Lavender probably won't play for XU tonight due to a sprained ankle he got in the UNCC game on Saturday. Tough sledding without your best guard playing a team on the road that is undefeated in its own building....and getting no points at all. That just isn't a good spot to play a team, whethere it wins or loses. Just an FYI...not sure if you knew that.......

                  Thanks, did not know this as my plays are straight fades....not a good spot for the Muskateers. :bang: Oh well just gotta roll with it......

                  I love the chainsaw competition another classic gas burning event!

                  Thanks Jpa!Gl tonite.

