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Team Totals

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  • Team Totals

    have to ask this as i am not long for the baseball season (don't wager on it either) and am just kind of hanging around these days until hockey ends BUT....

    i have not seen one person playing baseball team totals and im curious why? If you think a pitcher/staff is going to get lit up then why not play the other team Over instead of trying to figure out who wins the game?

    i am not a baseball guy, but it would seem that team totals would be a good way to go in games.
    I am the M'bah a'Flyers Fan !

  • #2
    there is a great example. JML said how bad this guy was and everybody loved BAL why not take BAL Over4 1/2?? I did and they put up 5 in the first inning...the guy was every bit as shaky as JML's information. So now who cares if the bullpen blows up or TAM comes back to win 144-143 in the 9th inning.

    i don't know. as i said i've never bet baseball but there sure are a lot of options for baseball betting and I don't see a lot of them in use other than Udog and his first five innings plays (which have been killing it...nice work udog...:thumbs:)
    I am the M'bah a'Flyers Fan !


    • #3
      Quite a few things I'm tracking are scoring the first inning and first five innings. Still early and still trackin'. Me loves me some bases and nascar.
      If its fun, do it


      • #4
        one thing that steers me away from the team totals is the ridiculous juice you have to pay on some of them.


        • #5
          Daws is right, most are -115 or more on both sides, for both teams. I suppose if you think you're right, then go for it, but I cannot really answer that question beyond it...
          NFL 17: 45-47-2 // 48.91% // -10.12
          MMA: 247-332-2 // 42.66% // -6.04
          MLB 17: 151-140-8 // 51.89% // +5.65 ROR // +42.13
          NCAAF 17: 63-49-2 // 56.25% // +6.80
          Updated on 01/13/18
          One of my 2018 resolutions: no more action gambling.

